Logomark black wordmark stacked white

This rebrand required a minimalistic black and white identity that would stand out among brands with similar missions.

The logomark has subtle meanings to both sport and religion, indicating the two primary goals of the charity.

The business needed a new logomark, logotype, shapes and fonts, and to realise this we considered how the identity might look on websites and in merchandise

What excited me the most about this project was that it was my first time working with a client and working outside of uni.

It allowed me to experience what the industry of freelance design was like and put the skills I have learnt to practice

wordmark diagram logomark diagram
black wordmark tshirt mockup white logomark tshirt mockup

Adding Colour

blue logomark blue wordmark blue tshirt mockup red logomark red wordmark red tshirt mockup yellow logomark yellow wordmark yellow tshirt mockup

The brand identity system needed to work with a variety of colours, as this brand could appear on various school gym kits, and we didn't have the option to choose these colours. Therefore, our minimalist black and white approach worked best for any situation that this brand might encounter in the future.


Black icons


To help the brand come to life and understand the ways we can use the brand's assets to create designs, we placed it into mockups of website. We found that the hollow circle made for a great frame for images and the simple black and white colour scheme helped attract the viewer's attention to the more important elements, like the photography

Website Mockup The Real Website

Coming to a close

PDF Thumbnail

We presented this work to our client, who loved our route and adopted it after a round of revisions. You can have a look at what we presented as a PDF, by clicking the image to the left (this will open in a new tab)